⚠️ A szolgáltatás 2025. március 31-én 24:00 -kor megszűnik, 13 641 979 fénykép törlésre kerül. További részletek a bejelentkezés után.

  • 2015. jún. 24.
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A new volunteer for the Ukrainian Interior Ministry's Azov battalion embraces his girlfriend before he and other volunteers depart to the frontlines in eastern Ukraine, in central Kiev January 17, 2015. Fighting raged on Saturday at the main airport of Ukraine's city of Donetsk as separatists resumed attempts to break the tenuous grip of government forces on the complex and Kiev's military said three more Ukrainian soldiers had been killed. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich (UKRAINE - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST MILITARY TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

csabac   2015. június 26.

How did she know, that man had to be her own Boyfriend? (There`re many other boys around with masks...) Sorry for the joke ..at this serious theme)!

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