lohere Qiu Hao / fotók:Matthew Belin/ nevű albuma
Az ősi jelkép a kígyó jelenik meg a kínai Qiu Hao dívatervező ruhakölteményeiben, Matthew Berlin tolmácsolásában............................................................................................................................................ In the skin of a snake February 18, 2012 By impressive Leave a Comment In the skin of a snake“Chinese Fashion Does not Necessarily mean flaring colors and silk dragons”. Qiu Hao, one of the MOST profiled fashion designers of the Oriental scene HAS has clear vision, Firmly anchored to the millenary culture of China. Because “if inspiration is a simple way of Saying complicated things”, in EACH of historical collections Qiu Hao pursues the formula with Which to Communicate Them. Just look at “Serpens”, shot by photographer here Matthew Belin , a tribute to the mysterious, fascinating and dangerous figure of this reptile, ancient symbol of the underworld and the eternal cycle of Life and Death.
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