⚠️ A szolgáltatás 2025. március 31-én 24:00 -kor megszűnik, 13 641 979 fénykép törlésre kerül. További részletek a bejelentkezés után.

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1963 East Lombard Street, food stores in the street's glory days included Wartzman's bakery, Smelkinson's dairy, Pastore's fruits and vegetables, Tulkoff's horseradish, Yankeloff's chickens, Attman's deli, Holzman's bakery, Spivak's chickens, Gottlieb's dairy, and Stone's bakery. In the spring of 1967, following the assination of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., many of these buildings gave way to empty lots. from the Sandler book: "Jewish Baltimore: A Family Album."