lohere Gabonakörök házilag nevű albuma
Talán nem véletlen, hogy a gabonakör definíciója így szól: búzatáblán letaposott kör vagy kialakított geometriai minta, melynek eredete ismeretlen. 1991-ben Doug Bower és Dave Chorley a nyilvánosság előtt saját elhatározásukból bevallották, hogy 1978 óta több mint 250 gabonakört készítettek kötéllel és karókkal. http://indavideo.hu/video/Gabonakorok_hazilag A grafikus művész barátok földmérő módszereket is bevetettek, hogy műveik tökéletesek legyenek, de természetesen ezek nem magyarázzák meg az összes ilyen helyszínt, főleg nem a Nazca-vonalakat.http://indavideo.hu/video/Nazca_vonalak _____________________________________________________________________________________ Doug and Dave doug bower Doug Bower In September 1991 two English men, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, stepped forward to take credit for the entire crop circle phenomenon. According to this pair, who were both in their 60s, their activities had begun as a lark back in the late 1970s. They had wanted to fool people into thinking that UFOs had landed. Their hobby had then gradually evolved into an obsession, involving night after night of circular toil in the fields of England. The tools of their trade were disarmingly simple, being nothing more than wooden planks and string. Armed with this equipment, the two were able to demonstrate the ability to fashion crop circles similar to many that had been found. But cerealogists noted that it strained credibility to think that the pair had created all the hundreds of circles that had been found in the past decade, and they certainly could not have been responsible for the circles outside of England. The media hyped Doug and Dave's revelation, and as a consequence many dismissed the entire phenomenon of crop circles as their work. But over time even circle skeptics began to question Doug and Dave's confession. What evidence was there to support their claim of having created hundreds of circles throughout the 80s? Were they themselves just publicity seekers? To this day these questions have not been answered, leaving it unclear how many circles Doug and Dave were actually responsible for. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a végére egy érdekes videó : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMekPBjx_CI
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