
dobusgyorgy1 adatlapja

Bemutatkozás Dr. DÓBUS GYÖRGY Painter He was born on 22 August,1968 in Trebishov in Czechoslovakia. He was brought up in Lvov,Soviet Union /these days: Ukraine/ and graduated from the University of Medicine in 1991. He acquired surgical qualification in 1992. He has been practising as a surgeon in Hungary since 1993. The Ukrainian national painter, academician Volodymyr Mykita and Ukrainian national painter Borís Kuzma not only influenced him but also helped him with lots of professional advice.At the beginning, naive-style painting appeared in his works, in addition, principles of impressionism and expressionism could be seen in them.Abstract, surrealist works of him have also appeared, there is long series of works in magical surrealism , pop-art style and modern art new style.The true emergence as an artist is influenced by Italy/2015-2016/, with famous artists:Emanuele Ventanni, Roberto Guccione, legends art and critic, art directors: Stefania Maggiulli Alfieri, Roberto Dudine, Roberto Giuliani,Rosi Raneri and dott.Salvatore Russo. He has had several individual and international exhibitions in Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia, Romania, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands ,Spain, Sweden and USA. His paintings are owned by and can be found in the following places: Castle Museum in Trebishov /Slovakia/, the Ukrainian Museum in Svidnik /Slovakia/, Gallery of the Educational Institution in Kosice /Slovakia/,Gallery of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in London /England/, National Ukrainian Museum of Architecture and Culture Uzhgorod /Ukraina/, Archeological Museum in Zadar, Gallery Nin /Croatia/, Museum of Mining in Rozhnyava /Slovakia/, Town Gallery of Mukachevo /Ukraina/, Gallery of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Prague /Czech Republic/,UNIO GALLERY in Budapest /Hungary/, Art Stop Gallery in Hajduboszormeny /Hungary/,Mill Gallery in Nyiracsad /Hungary/,House of Peace and Alliance of Peace in Budapest /Hungary/,Gallery of the Hungarian Cultural Centre in Bucharest /Romania/,Town Hall Paris-Fourges /France/,Art Brut /BAB/ Gallery Budapest /Hungary/ and Im Kunstraum der Ringstrassen Galerien Vienna /Austria/ , „Europen Art Museum” Arresodalvej 4, 3300 FrederiArtksvaerk /Danmark/. Several works of art can be found in private ownership in Hungary, Englend, Slovakia, the Ukraina, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Romania, Poland, Italy, France and the USA. Articles have been published about his paintings in several European,USA newspapers, anthologies and catalogues.They have been shown on television chanels in Hungary, the Ukraine, Slovakia , Romania , Italy and Vatican. The significant exhibitions: The individual art exhibition Castle Museum in Trebisov 2013, Slovakia. The International and individuál exhibition Gallery of the Educational Institution in Kosice 2012, 2013, Slovakia. The individual art exhibition National Ukrainian Museum of Architecture and Culture in Uzhgorod 2013, and Town Gallery of Mukachevo 2013, Ukraina. The individual art exhibition House of Peace and Alliance of Peace in Budapest 2012, 2013, Hungary. The individual exhibition „Unio Gallery” Budapest 2012,2013,2014,2015, Hungary. The individual art exhibition „Gallery of Hungarian Cultural Centre” in Prague 2013, 2014, Czech Republic. The art exhibition „Gallery of Hungarien Cultural Centre” in London 2014, Englend. The International Art exhibition Im Kunstraum der Ringstrassen Galerien in Vienna 2014, Austria. The art exhibition „Gallery of Hungarien Cultural Centre” in Bucharest 2014, Romania. Concours International de peinture grand format en plein air 2 e,3 e Grand Prix de Fourget Paris, France 2014, 2015. Participating of Young International Contest of Conteporary Art Lugano 2014, Switzerland and Roma 2015,Italy. Art exhibition „Vernisage 2014”Moskow,Russia. Application Tallenge Art Contest 2014 USA, New York. Art Contest „The Landscape Show 2014” Acme, MI USA. 1 Biennale Internazionale D’arte in Umbria – Arte e Territorio, 2015 Italy. Application for participation in the competicion Art AID Internetional Word Art Contest 2014/2015 Hanover,Germany. Peinture en Plein air „Sur les traces de Claude Monet á Giverny”.and exhibition 2015.05.Fourges Paris, France. Exhibition RomArt Biennale Internazionale D’arte e Cultura 15-18.05.2015. Italy. The exhibition Royal Opera Arcade Gallery London 29.06.-04.07.2015.Englend. The exhibition Farini Gallery Bologna 04.07.-25.07.2015.,30.01.-14.02.2016 Italy. The most important international event of contemporary art in Italy exhibition „Arte Fiera Bologna 2016”29.01.-01.02.2016. Marco Polo International Prize Contest, Venice, 25.09.2015 Italy. The exhibition Amsterdam International Art Fair 28-29 aug. 2015.Netherlands. The International exhibition Gallery „Il Collezionista”16.02.-27.02.2016.Nelle Sale Del Vicariato, Gallery „La Pigna”, Roma, Italy. The International exhibition Gallery „Il Collezionista” 01.03.-07.03.2016.Nelle Sale dell Vaticano-Palazzo della Cancellaria, Vatican. The International exhibition d’ARTE „I DAUNI” 12.03.-02.04.2016., Castello Federiciano cittá di Vieste, Italy. In 05.04.-16.04.,04.10.-14.10. 2016. he partipated int he International Art Plein Air representing the Hungary in Ungvár, Ukraina. What led the head of Union of Artists Boris Kuzma. The International Asklepios Med exhibition Consulate General of Hungary Gallery 12.05.-12.06-2016., New York, USA. The Ínternational exhibition Palase Palffy, 06.06.-29.06.2016., Bratislava,Slovakia. The Ínternacional exhibition „1stTriennale of Contemporany Art” Palaexpo-VERONA FAÍR 09.06.-12.06.2016. Itaiy. THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION EGOS XII CONTEMPORARY ART "CRISOLART" GALLERIES,BARCELLONA , SPAIN 14.07.-02.08.2016. The Ínternacional permanent exhibition „Europen Art Museum” Arresodalvej 4, 3300 FrederiArtksvaerk /Danmark/. 02.09.2016. Application for participation in the competicion ACCADEMIA ITALIA IN ARTE NEL MONDO Internetional Word Art Contest, PREMIO MINERVA 2016, 18.06.2016.,Nel Mondo, Italy. . The International awards ceremony „LA PALMA D’ORO PER ARTISTI” ART EXPO GALLERY 24.09.2016 MONTE CARLO, France. The Ínternacional exhibition „1stTriennale of Contemporany Art” Palaexpo- NEW YORK at Jolly Madison Towers Hotel 13.10.2016. USA. The Ínternacional exhibition „1stTriennale of Contemporany Art” Palaexpo-WASHINGTON at Sofitel Washington DC Lafayette Hotel 16.10.2016. USA. The Ínternacional Award GRAN PRIX LOUVRE 10.09.2016.,PARIS,France. The Ínternacional exhibition „EXPO CONTEMPORARY ART” Quirinus Gallery, KÖPING, Sweden. The Ínternacional exhibition PARIS LOUVRE EXPO-ART SHOPING LOUVRE 2016, 21-23.10.2016.,France. In 2013 he created a common workshop with the Polish painter, Silwia Kuczinska in Lodz, Poland and Milan. In 2013 he participated in the International Painters’ Session representing the Ukraine in Rozhnyava, Slovakia. An exhibition was held and a catalogue has been made based on his works. He has been member: of the Fine Arts Section of David Arts in Budapest,"Festival Cultures Croisees" Paris /France/,"USA Art Gallery"," Arts Gallery Paris","London Art Gallery","Japan Art Gallery","Germany Gallery of Art","New York Art Gallery","Art in Holland","Mexico Art Gallery","Boston Gallery","Italian Art and Luxury","Art Amsterdam","GAM-Global Art Museum „Art Aid International” and other... He has received the jubiles award 2002-2012 of the UNIO GALLERY,Budapest and General Assembly of Uzhgorod /Ukraina/ expressed its acknowledgements for his exhibition held there. On 25 August, 2013, 23 June, 2014 and 14 June, 2015 he received David Arts Creative Awards. On 25.09.2015. he received „Marco Polo International Art Ambassador Prize”,Venice , Italy. On 10.12.2015. he received „Michelangelo International Prize Artist at the Jubilee”,Palazzo Cardinal Cesi, Roma, Italy. On 11.12.2015. he received „International Prize Artist at the Castle”,Sala Plenaria Castello Orsini, Roma, Italy. On 01.03.2016. he received „Prize Jubilee of the Mercy 2016” award ford the art work ”The Gharity”, Palace of the Chancellery, Vatican. The Ínternacional exhibition „Prize Painting Figurative 3°” award ford the art work”The energy of life” and „Prize Painting Abstract 2°” award ford the art work„The black gold” in Concorso Internationale d’Arte „I Dauni”, Vieste , Italy. On 17.06.2016.he awarded Prize „SHAKESPEARE IN ART”, Verona, Italy. ACCADEMIA ITALIA IN ARTE NEL MONDO awarded „PREMIO MINERVA 2016”, 18.06.2016.,Nel Mondo, Italy. On 02.09.2016. he received „DIPLOMA—CERTIFICATION”,”Lifecreates Art- Art Creates Life” „Europen Art Museum” Arresodalvej 4, 3300 FrederiArtksvaerk /Danmark/. On 24.09.2016. he recervid PREMIO BIENNALE „PALMA D’ORO PER L’ARTE”, MONTE CARLO - MONACO. Took rarticipation in Plein Air and advanced training in Paris and Claude Monet Muzeum in Giverny with such artists as Anna Filimonova, Edvard Bulatov.2014.2015. 2016, it is planned exhibition in Dubai, Luxemburg, and Siracusa Sicilia.. OTP BANK SWIFT /BIC/ : OTPVHUHB IBAN: HU70117754413263588300000000 Dr.Dóbus György, Hungary, 4800 Vásárosnamény, Rózsafa u.8. E-mail: dobusgyorgy@gmail.com
Weboldal http://dobusgyorgy.blog.hu
Regisztrált 2016.10.17.
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