
Kun pál adatlapja

Bemutatkozás I love the people. To me all alike, and one man, and God formed every one as he says it was not! Good to do as good, good to love with all my heart, all without any interest, good to see people happy, I love to listen to the child's laughter, there is no more beautiful music to my ears than happy smiling child to see to hear! I condemn the violence, the lies, the irreverent about it two-color man, I respect the elderly, because, if God would help us once we are there we also, and it is obtained if it is what we honor, respect szüleinknek we love! But today is not of this world is not the way we are people not (honored the exception) a man enter above the road, or if the other side we will see! I ask myself why?
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Regisztrált 2012.11.28.
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