Warren kedvenc képei Aston Martin One-77 https://indafoto.hu/dadiferrari/image/21565345-3dd2db13 2014-10-06T16:45:22+02:00 BasicModel_21565345  

Aston Martin One-77

gyártó: Canon

típus: EOS 5D Mark II

zársebesség: 0.0050 s (1/200)

rekesz: f/5.6

fókusztávolság: 24mm (35mm-en: 24mm)

fényérzékenység: 800

készült: 2014.07.29 20:13



dadiferrari https://indafoto.hu/dadiferrari
Felhő érkezik jobbról https://indafoto.hu/eszpee/image/2095103-fce3336c 2008-10-18T22:17:24+02:00 BasicModel_2095103  

Felhő érkezik jobbról

gyártó: Canon

típus: EOS 40D

zársebesség: 0.0080 s (1/125)

rekesz: f/13.0

fókusztávolság: 10mm (35mm-en: 16mm)

fényérzékenység: 100

készült: 2008.09.20 14:30


La Clusaz és a Tardevant

eszpee https://indafoto.hu/eszpee
Naplemente az Andrássyn https://indafoto.hu/alien/image/387219-51009bca 2008-01-21T21:44:21+01:00 BasicModel_387219 You may find it just another "tourist-photo" as last Sunday evening everyone on Heroe's square seemed to go for the same picture (except that I live here - so I don't count as tourist). Well, I have to admit, it's really nothing special. The nice part is that this sky was visible only for a 15 minute period and then suddenly all the saturation was lost, but the illumination remained, so the clouds turned kinda b&w. This time it's an untouched image, I did it straight off the JPEG, didn't even bother to process the RAW file.

Naplemente az Andrássyn

You may find it just another "tourist-photo" as last Sunday evening everyone on Heroe's square seemed to go for the same picture (except that I live here - so I don't count as tourist). Well, I have to admit, it's really nothing special. The nice part is that this sky was visible only for a 15 minute period and then suddenly all the saturation was lost, but the illumination remained, so the clouds turned kinda b&w. This time it's an untouched image, I did it straight off the JPEG, didn't even bother to process the RAW file.


alap album

AlieN https://indafoto.hu/alien
peterbilt https://indafoto.hu/_ati/image/9374779-4d445610 2010-11-05T21:20:29+01:00 BasicModel_9374779  


gyártó: Nikon

típus: E4600

zársebesség: 0.0039 s (1/259)

rekesz: f/5.2

fókusztávolság: 7mm (35mm-en: 42mm)

fényérzékenység: 50

készült: 2005.08.08 22:22


Autók mindenhonnan

1237 ati https://indafoto.hu/_ati