TT Terepasztal 014
  • 2010. máj. 31.
  • 772
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DR BR 110, MÁV M62, MÁV M61, DR BR 130, a fűtőház előtt DB V200 DR BR 250-essel, azután CSD R455, hátul DR E94 Dr E42-essel. / Model railway in TT scale in Hungary: front Class 110 diesel loc of the East German DR with double-deck coachs, Class M62 diesel loc of the MÁV (Hungarian State Railways) with freight waggons, Class M61 "NOHAB" diesel loc of the MÁV with passanger coachs, Class 130 diesel loc of the DR with tank waggons. By Class 130 are Class V200 diesel loc of the West German DB and Class 250 electric loc of East German DR. In the background before the depot are a Class R455 steam (tank) loc of the Czech CSD and a Class E94 old electric loc of the DR with a Class E11 electric loc of the East German DR.
Gyártó: Nokia E52
Fókusztáv: 3.3mm
Rekesz: f/2.4
Zársebesség: 1/50
ISO: 100
Készült: 2010. márc. 30. 11:34