⚠️ A szolgáltatás 2025. március 31-én 24:00 -kor megszűnik, 13 641 979 fénykép törlésre kerül. További részletek a bejelentkezés után.

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PXL_ Diana Djuric, girl chimney sweep 16.03.2016., Brcko, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Diana Djuric (24) is the only girl chimney sweep in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Diana has graduated two high schools, ecological in Banja Luka and the chimney sweep trade in Belgrade. She continued his education and graduated at the Faculty of Ecology and she will soon master s degree. As in Brcko after graduation, she was not able to find work in the profession, she set to work in her father s chimney company, which has now been named Eco-chimney. PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxONLY IvicaxGalovic/PIXSELL