te bennem vagy szép,én általad
  • 2009. nov. 01.
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Gyártó: Sony DSC-H2
Fókusztáv: 6.0mm
Rekesz: f/4.0
Zársebesség: 1/100
ISO: 80
Készült: 2009. szept. 26. 17:28

panzen   2010. január 02.

It vagög nagön szök ido ,ket jö barat dolgozik it utcabom. Soros institutom es koncert agenciabom Dunai palotom..
Masodik boldamot .Votam este 28.12 2009 Duna palotai folklor koncertom ...

Of course nice photo your perspective of looking this marvellous church-basilica

ildikoo   2010. január 02.

Ismered egész Budapestet! A koncert szép lehetett.
... you know Budapest better than who are living here...
Thank you very much!!

panzen   2010. január 08.

Thanks,Ildiko,mostly I not forget what I love or like...i have more problems to net remember...Any way I love visit Budapest,because friends,nice atmosphere et c.At last visit in December I make me one nice visit ,which I wait long years.I visit place where is my father spend long years ago plenty nice hours with different his Hungary boems friends,famous ,,Hungaria".Now is look like pearl of town ,with his reconstruction and restoration or Cafe also is nice lobby of hotel.you can make nice photo ,if you visit.i make some small with handy.You can drink nice tee or chocolate..of course if you love that like me..
