⚠️ A szolgáltatás 2025. március 31-én 24:00 -kor megszűnik, 13 641 979 fénykép törlésre kerül. További részletek a bejelentkezés után.
Researchers in Osaka were able to produce a high powered laser pointer beam using a device known as the Laser for Fast Ignition Experiment (LFEX).In the near term, Lockheed expects its lasers to “provide a complement to traditional kinetic weapons in the battlefield,” but their potential future applications are far more dramatic.But, there are two kinds of lasers that were used as weapons platforms that have been successfully deployed and tested as weapons and both the US Air Force and Navy have been firsts into the new world of laser technology.
During each shot, a bank of 192 supercharged lasers fire their beams in unison, converging on a giant sphere. Instead of blowing up planets, though, the Death Star-like ball focuses the lasers on a target smaller than a peppercorn.So a laser launched in space could propagate, but a petawatt laser is too large to economically launch into space.Mission selectable power" doesn't require new physics to build lasers with "scalable" power."The FDA only allows the sale of up to .5 W lasers in America, but with a little electronics know-how.
Mil.eastday.com gives no details of the weapon but publishes the photo of a green laser pointer gun on a Chinese warship says in its report yesterday.Russian research and development speed amazing, you can say there is no which country has China laser technology development so quickly.Lasers have come a long way since their humble beginnings in the early 60's, but still work much the same way.When that line appeared in an article on BreakingDefense last month, it got a lot of people thinking about laser guns as a viable alternative to missiles.
Finally, phase 3 will triple that power output to 300 kW, aiming to create an offensive laser weapon that can be mounted on a fighter jet, shoot down enemy aircraft, and attack ground targets at extreme range.The weapon combines multiple fiber modules to generate an intense laser beam.In the end, I want to know what is the optimum laser color for destroying an enemy spacecraft or what factors I can use to figure this out for my own world.
For what it's worth, in that system the frequency of a Red Laser Pointer does not affect its effectiveness.
There are active forms of countermeasures (essentially jammers), which use destructive interference to counteract Laser Sight guidance of a missile.It is the Navy's Laser Weapons System (LaWS), a laser mounted on a ship that is so strong it can ignite a drone.